Discover Mexico
Price per person from US$2,753

Discover Mexico

Price per person
price per person


Immerse yourself in the cultural and natural richness of Mexico with this comprehensive itinerary. Begin in Cancun with a private transfer to your Downtown hotel from the airport. Throughout the journey, you'll be accompanied by a local guide.

Explore the Rio Lagartos natural reserve by boat, enjoying bird watching and crocodile sightings. Next, visit the Ek Balam Mayan site, exploring its tombs and the spectacular Acropolis Pyramid. The day concludes in the charming colonial city of Valladolid.

Discover Chichén Itzá, one of the most famous archaeological sites of the Maya, with its majestic Kukulcán Pyramid and the Sacred Cenote. In the afternoon, explore Izamal and reach Mérida, the "White City," enjoying a panoramic tour before overnighting.

Continue to Uxmal, another impressive Maya site, with the majestic Pyramid of the Magician. Then, head to the charming colonial city of Campeche.

Explore Campeche, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, visiting forts and museums. Later, travel to Palenque, visiting in the following days the Mayan ruins and the impressive waterfalls of Misol-Ha and Agua Azul.

Highlight your visit with the fascinating Roberto Barrios waterfalls, continuing on to Chicanna for an overnight stay. The next day begins with an early transfer to Calakmul, a Maya tropical reserve. Later, visit Bacalar and enjoy a relaxing boat tour on its beautiful lagoon.

The experience concludes with the continuation to the Riviera Maya, where you can enjoy a beach stay (not included in the rate). This package provides a deep immersion into Mexico's historical and natural richness, with expert local guides and comfortable transfers. An unforgettable experience!


Guide languages

Day 1: Cancun
Day 2: Cancun, Valladolid
Day 3: Valladolid, Chichen-Itza, Merida
Day 4: Merida, Uxmal, Campeche
Day 5: Campeche, Palenque
Day 6: Palenque
Day 7: Palenque, The text "Chicanna" is already in English. It is a Mayan archaeological site located in the Mexican state of Campeche. The name does not require translation.
Day 8: The text "Chicanna" is already in English. It is a Mayan archaeological site located in the Mexican state of Campeche. The name does not require translation., Bacalar
Day 9: Bacalar, Riviera Maya
  • Transporte en auto/van/minibús exclusivo con A/C para sus clientes según el número de pasajeros.
  • Guía local hablante de italiano durante todo el itinerario.
  • Comidas indicadas en el programa, 8 almuerzos, generalmente menú fijo y servido. Desayuno en los respectivos hoteles. Almuerzos durante las excursiones.
  • Barcos en Rio Lagartos y Bacalar. Todas las tarifas de entrada a los sitios especificados en el programa: a los sitios arqueológicos de INAH, CULTUR, peajes de autopistas y estacionamiento donde sea necesario.
  • Hoteles mencionados o similares en régimen de alojamiento y desayuno.
  • Transporte, propinas y todo lo que no esté expresamente indicado en los "servicios incluidos".
  • EcoTAX en los hoteles de la región de Quintana Roo, aproximadamente 2 USD por habitación, por noche. Monto (sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso), a pagar directamente en la recepción a la llegada al hotel.

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7 accommodations
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